February 28
People, particularly people of God, have a relentless foe who occupies himself with the on-going pursuit of their undoing. People of faith in Christ are especially beset by this evil entity because they, unlike the rest of the world, have managed to escape his clutches.
The unfortunate reality is that he will not rest with the preponderance of humanity being in his fiendish grip—he wants all of mankind to turn their backs upon the One True and Living God and bow their knee before the throne of the ‘prince and power of the air.’
What is feeble man to do in the face of such a determined and powerful foe? There is ample provision made for humanity to stand strong against the devil’s onslaught. Those who are born again, blood-bathed believers in Christ have the assurance of the Lord’s protection against the evil one. That provision is available to all who will accept it.
Revelation 12:11 says, “They conquered him (satan) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.” The blood of Jesus pays the price for all man’s sin. The covering He supplies is sufficient to deliver every person ever born out of the clutches of the enemy—but every man must confess that deliverance for himself if it is to be effectual for him.
February 29 BONUS The Crucial Difference
Discernment is a very essential sense that one is advantaged greatly to possess. Discernment enables the one who has it to cut through the extraneous and see to the heart of a matter. It is what allows some voters to avoid being ensnared by the craftiness of duplicitous politicians.
It is what provides a woman in the dating arena the ability to sift through what a prospective suitor says so she may see the intent of his heart. It gives an athlete the acuity of mind to know how to position himself on the field of competition in order to prevent his opponent from gaining an advantage over him.
It is essential that we, the consumer, in the marketplace of ideas, have the ability to discern the credible from the incredible, the wise from the foolish, the facts from the fiction where spiritual information is concerned. There has been an influx of false teaching that has turned many from truth to falsehood, even as the Word cautions will happen in the days before Christ returns.
I Thessalonians 2:13 says of God’s unchanging truth, “You welcomed it not as a human message but as it truly is, the message of God which works effectively in you as believers.” When we have given our lives to Christ and the Holy Spirit resides within us, we can discern between the words of man and the wisdom of God—and that discernment makes the crucial difference in our eternal destiny.
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