February 20
We have come to a point in our country which most of those who grew up in the days when capitalism propelled our nation to greatness could never have foreseen—even if we’d had a crystal ball that empowered us to discern the future! We currently have a president and a congress who seem determined to plunge our nation into the abyss of socialism!
A cursory investigation of recent history reveals a truth that our current leaders would do well to heed—socialism doesn’t work! To require the workers of a nation—whether in industry or medicine or commerce—to shoulder the responsibility for non workers and illegal aliens goes against the grain of the principles upon which America stands.
And, that concept goes against the tenets of the Bible as well. Galatians 6:4-5, for example says, “Let every man prove his own work and then shall he have rejoicing in himself, and not in another; for every man shall bear his own burden.”
II Thessalonians 3:10 is even more direct. It says, “If a man will not work, neither should he eat.”
This principle was first applied in this land in the Jamestown Colony which was failing under socialism but which began to thrive when individual responsibility, based on these scriptures, became the rule. Never let it be said that we will not give a hand-up to anyone who is suffering reversals; but rue the day that doling out hand-outs becomes the policy of the land!
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