March 24
There are several things that distinguish a believer in Christ from his counterpart in other religious systems. One major difference is that he need not ‘work’ to be saved from perdition. The Christian understands that his salvation is a free gift that he hasn’t the ability to earn—only Jesus can provide it.
Another distinction is that those who espouse the ‘God of all Truth’ (Deuteronomy 32:4) desire to be “…without iniquity, just and right…” as HE is just and right. The believer in the God of the Bible will endeavor to move heaven and earth to ascertain the essence of a matter; for he disdains duplicity of any sort.
The believer also understands that there is much deception afoot and there will continue to be until Jesus comes to reign in His glory. Revelation 12:9 states very clearly regarding satan, “The great dragon was thrown out…the ancient serpent…the devil…the one who deceives the whole world…” will no longer be able to weave his thread of lies over mankind and trap him in his web of sin!
Until that wonderful day, we who know the One whom to know is life and truth, must steadfastly uphold Him before those who are snared by the devil’s web. We must let the light of the glory of Jesus shine through us, exposing his lies. As the morning dew evaporates in the sun’s light, so must the devil’s web of sin disappear in the glorious light of the Son of the Living and True God.
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