Friday, December 3, 2010


December 3

Perhaps in your field of endeavor there is a ‘pecking order.’ The most discernable evidence of such will be the salaries of the individuals employed at your place of work. The CEO or the superintendent or the president or the manager will be paid more than the lower echelon employees.

If you are one of the ‘underlings,’ you probably don’t even know what your upper management officials make. Although you’re probably convinced that they’re out of touch with the nuts and bolts of what keeps the wheels of the organization turning and the importance of the ordinary folk who keep them greased, you know in spite of that, they make way more than you do!

As the old saying goes, ‘Life ain’t fair. Get over it.’ But, in spite of the discrepancies that abound everywhere you turn—not only at work but in virtually every area of interaction with other individuals, there is one place where you will find absolute equity; and that is with God. He has no favorites. He values every individual’s contribution to the furtherance of the Kingdom of Christ.

Whether you’re Billy Graham or Billy Smith the usher at the corner church, He values you. In I Corinthians 3:8, we’re told, “The one who plants and the one who waters are equal; each will receive his own reward according to his own labor.” There is no vying for favor, and no need to impress the boss. Simply do what He called you to do in the field to which He sent you—and your reward will be great.

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