December 11
It is the nature of man to desire some acknowledgement, if not reward, for the labor upon which he expends himself. Whether the work that is done is tedious and frustrating or stimulating and challenging, it is worthwhile in the end if there is a simple, ‘Thank you,’ from those who have benefitted from it.
Often, however, there are no thanks given at the conclusion of a task. It is an unfortunate reality of the nature of man that diligent effort usually goes unnoticed. To gain the attention of the people round about, one must perform a colossal blunder!
To gain a reward, therefore, is not a sure thing—except in the spiritual realm. The God we serve, the One in whose harvest field we labor to reap souls for the Kingdom of Christ, is mindful of the labor of love that we perform. It is not that our goal is to attain recognition. Rather, it is our hearts’ longing to see many lost souls brought from darkness to the Light of Christ.
But as a by-product of our labor of love for our Savior that motivates our outreach to the lost, we are promised a reward. Hebrews 6:10 states very clearly that, “He will not forget your work and the love you showed for His name when you continually serve the saints.” Because He loves us, it is His desire to reward our service in the behalf of His Kingdom and His people.
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