February 12
It’s wonderful to know that God’s intention is to be with us through thick and thin. We take great comfort in the promises He has extended. When things are going well in our lives we rejoice in the evidence of His loving hand upon us. We take joy in the beauty of His presence as much as we do in the blessings He generously supplies to us.
But what about the dark seasons of life? How do we handle the dreary rains of Autumn or the dismally cold nights of Winter? How do we convince ourselves that this One who has promised to be by our side hasn’t indeed abandoned us when the circumstances of our lives became difficult? We know He’s there for only one reason—He says He will be.
The Christ we love and serve cannot fail and cannot lie. We rest on His faithfulness. We trust His integrity. There are many assurances to that effect in the scriptures and two of the most beautiful and comforting are these: In Psalm 23 4 David says of Him, “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me…You comfort me.” The promise in Isaiah 43:2, 3 is equally assuring.
“When you pass through the flood, I will be with you; the raging water will not sweep over you. When you pass through the fiery trial, the flame will not kindle upon you, neither will the scent of smoke cling to you, for I am your God…your Savior.” The Holy One intends to abide with us through life and to give us a dwelling place with Him forever. May we let nothing of time rob us of that eternal hope.
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