February 1
Our Lord and King and Almighty God is worthy of all our praise. Be honest. Do you actually praise Him very often? If you are hesitant to answer that question, even to yourself, it is probably because you rarely lift the name that is “above all names” (Philippians 2:9) in praise.
Perhaps it’s because you’re busy serving Him. It requires diligent effort to carry on the ministry of the Word to a lost and dying people. Effective ministry requires preparation and travel and competence before your audience. Whether you have an audience of one or tens of thousands, you must execute your presentation with skill that requires fluency with the message.
But, if it is your labor in the behalf of His Kingdom that is of utmost importance to Him, why do we read in Revelation 4:8, that “Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy!” is cried continually before His throne? When the veil is drawn back and we are given this glimpse of heaven, it is not the busy-ness of its inhabitants that we read about! No! It is the unending praise that is lifted to His glory that commands our attention!
Perhaps we should say as did David in Psalm 52:9, “I will praise You forever for what You have done; in Your name will I hope, for Your name is good. I will praise You in the presence of Your saints.” If we will praise Him here and now, because He inhabits our praise (Psalm 22:3), perhaps our labor for the Kingdom will be more effective as our praise itself reflects His heavenly glory.
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