April 9
The Word of God is given short shrift in our day. Although there was a time when it was honored, when it was foundational to building the lives of individuals (the earliest U.S. universities were established in order that the Word could be conveyed to the masses), it has now become irrelevant to a significant number of people. It has become passé.
Many people say they believe in God; they believe that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world who took upon Himself the sins of all men in order to redeem all who believe in His propitiatory death from the penalty of death that the Holy One dictates is just payment for the transgression of His immutable law. But the lifestyle of our nation does not evidence that profession of faith.
As the Bible itself tells us, “The Word of God is swift and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword; it pierces to the depth of ones being, dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It judges the thoughts and intents of the heart” Hebrews 4:12. This powerful verse tells us that the holy writ is designed to address the inner-sanctum of an individual’s life.
It does not speak of outer manifestations but of inner attitudes. What it does is pierce a man at the depth of who he is. It shines the light of God’s truth on a man’s heart. It causes him to see the skeleton that holds him up—and if that inner framework does not include Christ, it makes him aware that it will cause him to ultimately fall.
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