April 18
World events swirl tumultuously around us. At times, we feel we’re caught in a whirlwind of bellicose events that could lead to man’s doom. Nations vie for ascendancy and an uneasy peace is shaken at the thought of the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Nobody seems able to control the madness.
Fear has invaded the heart and spirit of many who look for solutions to the calamities that loom before us, and to those who tremble anxiously before threatening circumstances, the Lord says, “Why should you fear mere men who shall die, who are as grass that withers away, and forget the Lord your Maker who has stretched forth the heavens and laid the foundations of the earth…?” (Isaiah 51:12, 13)
What He’s saying is, ‘Get things in perspective.’ It isn’t that our God is oblivious to the madness. He is not such a supreme optimist that He fails to recognize the precarious ground man is treading. He understands the ranting of those who exalt themselves above the law of righteousness. Rather, He is saying, ‘Hold My hand. Walk with Me. I who have all power; I who keep the planets in their orbits, am fully able to protect you.’
In Deuteronomy 33:12 He says, “Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in Him, for He shields them…the one the Lord loves rests securely on His bosom.” Paul states that same assurance to believers in Hebrews 13:6 where he says, “The Lord is my Helper; I will not be afraid…” May we appropriate these promises and trust confidently in the One who keeps them, the One who keeps those who believe in Him safe in His love.
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