October 20
Depending upon the point we’ve reached in the journey of life, we have various things about which to concern ourselves, or, if we use the more direct word, about which to worry. The young student is concerned with maintaining a grade point average. The married couple is worried about sustaining the ability to keep up the mortgage payments in a depressed economy.
The elderly are concerned about being able to live on a fixed income and they are worried about being able to stay healthy in a society that seems to have legislated away the right of the older individual to beneficial medical services. Whatever our station in life, there is some matter, beyond our control, about which we may anguish, if we so choose.
Yet Paul speaks the word of God in the matter to us clearly in Philippians 4:6, 7. Here the great apostle says, “Do not worry about anything but by prayer and supplication come before God with all your needs. As you do, give Him thanks and ask for His peace which is so great we cannot understand it, for it will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Having our hearts and our minds focused on the world and its upheaval, on life and its trials, will bring us to a point of consternation and to a realization of our own helplessness.
Keeping our hearts and minds focused on Jesus will elevate our perception because we will be focused on the recognition of the fact that the One we follow is the Conqueror of death, hell and the grave and He is our Soon-coming King! Life’s challenges—all of them—grades, the economy, our health—pale in comparison to the glories that await us as believers in the King of kings and Lord of lords. He who is all wisdom makes us wise. He who owns the cattle on a thousand hills is our provision. He who has conquered death gives us life!
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