October 13
Ancient cities were fortified by having strong walls built around them. The people within the walls were safe because the walls were usually strong enough to keep out an enemy. The trouble with the wall was sometimes not that it could not keep the enemy out but that it imprisoned those within. When under siege, they could not conduct the usual business of life.
They could not conduct trade so the products they had for sale went unsold. The products they required to sustain themselves could not be brought in. Often fortified cities failed, not because they couldn’t keep an enemy at bay but because they kept themselves too well contained!
Fortified cities can neither protect nor confine us today, but other things can. We allow ourselves to be imprisoned within walls of anger, depression, failure, isolation—all manner of negative things that prevent us from experiencing the good things the Lord desires us to possess. Ephesians 2:13, 14 addresses this situation. It says, “In Christ Jesus, you who were far away from God are brought near through the blood of Christ.
“Jesus Himself is our peace, for He has made both Jew and Gentile one people. There is no longer any separation, for Jesus broke down the wall of separation by giving Himself for all men.” We need no longer be prisoners of negative emotions such as hatred. We can be set free to embrace every good gift the Bible tells us is ours—joy, peace, truth, hope, love (Galatians 5:22, 25) as we walk free in the Spirit.
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