April 5
Govern thy life and thoughts as if the whole world were to see the one, and read the other. Thomas Fuller
Believer, you are embarking on a lovely journey today, one where you have the opportunity to allow the people closest to you to see the best of yourself and to read your heart. No matter what may press upon you, you have the opportunity, the responsibility, to allow the people around you to see you as one who has truly cast all the pressures of life upon Jesus, knowing He cares for you, (I Peter 5:7).
Your resolve must be to allow everyone touched by your life and faith to see that when you become pressed by circumstances–even those negative circumstances the people around you may have caused—you give them to Jesus and all that can be seen of them in you is the sweet wine that is left from the pressing of the grapes, the fragrant perfume that results from the pressing of the petals, when your faith is tried (Matthew 5:16).
Those who are young in faith need to see the best in you as you trust Jesus with the cares of life so they will learn from you to trust Him when they are challenged. They need to see that their mentor is aware life's burdens aren't intended for your shoulders, but for the Lord's. Allow the power and love of Christ to be lavished upon them as they see His power and love manifested through you.
Others who may be immersed in a Pharisaical version of Christianity or who may be steeped in the dogma of false religions need to see the best and loftiest of faith and truth and honor and kindness and love from you, for you may be the only Bible they read, the only Jesus they see. They need to see the best in you as you trust Jesus with the cares of life--some of which they may have imposed upon you.
Your interaction with them will enable them to see your true heart where Jesus lives and reigns, the place where the Lord has forgiven you and empowers you to forgive those who have taken it upon themselves to hurt you (Colossians 3:13). They will see that your faith in the true message of the Christ who loves and forgives is the kind of faith they must receive to be children of the Living and True God.
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