April 19
The great thing in this world is not so much where you stand, as in what direction you are moving. Oliver Wendell Holmes
All things change. The wise saying is that whether we like the spot we're in or whether we don't, we should not become too comfortable in it because we will soon move beyond it. One of the best things we can do for ourselves is to assess our circumstances from our current vantage point and to move on from there in the most advantageous direction.
The direction you are going may not set you toward your optimum goal, it may not establish you on the path toward complete fulfillment, but it is a viable route to pursue–at least for a while—until you have a better vista of the options before you and a clearer insight into how to obtain the best of them.
Should you be forever content in your current circumstances? That is not the nature of life. Mankind is forever seeking to ascend higher, to attain more. You will rise beyond today's point and you will possess more of what you desire–you will assess your position with wisdom and discernment and you will patiently pursue your next advantage.
In the meantime, you will love fervently. You will establish yourself in strength and kindness and firm resolve before those whose lives touch yours so they will see the strength of the Lord in you; they will see His power overcome your weakness (II Corinthians 12:9), and this will inspire them to allow the Christ you love to be their help through the trials that come their way.
They will see in you a role model who demonstrates exactly how to find contentment where you are (Philippians 4:11) even as you chart your course to a better place. They will see in you the epitome of what a child of God does to utilize his substantial gifts for not only his own advantage but for the benefit of those around him who are also precious to the Lord.
They will be winners because they see in you a clear demonstration of faith and strength that make you “more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ,” (Romans 8:37) who allows the Christ in you to hold you up and to guide you in the path that you are to follow. They will be more than conquerors as they emulate you!
Life, circumstances, people, adversity cannot diminish their ability to chart their course or to reach their desired destination—one step at a time, one goal at a time, one achievement at a time. Life cannot hold them back because they are always plotting their next step as they walk with Jesus, as they see you do. They will stand in His power today and rise in His power tomorrow because that is what they see in you! JESUS WILL NEVER FAIL YOU NOR FORSAKE YOU AS YOU TRAVERSE FROM POWER TO POWER AND GLORY TO GLORY IN HIS NAME—nor will He fail those who pattern their lives after yours.
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