August 13
How I
Know The Bible Is God’s Word by Dr. D. James Kennedy
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Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for
reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.—2 Timothy 3:16
The more I read the Bible, the
more I realize what an incredible book it is.
Charles Wesley, the great hymn writer, said the Bible was written
either by angels and good men, by demons and bad men, or by God. I am convinced that God wrote the Bible,
and I have a lot of evidence to back up my conviction.
I believe that God wrote the
Bible, because in the Old Testament alone God says twenty-six hundred times
that He did so.
We can trust the Bible as God’s
Word because two thousand of its predictions have already come true. Over one hundred prophecies address the
city of Babylon, including its destruction and the fact that it would never
be rebuilt.
Three hundred and
thirty-three prophecies concern Jesus Christ, accurately predicting His place
of birth, His character, and His crucifixion.
The Bible is from God because it
is unified in thought. It contains
sixty-six different books by approximately forty different authors writing in
three different languages—Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. Yet the same golden
thread of redemption runs through it—God by his grace saves us when we
believe in Jesus Christ, His Son.
We know God gave us the Bible
because He has preserved it from destruction.
It has survived twenty-six hundred years of attack. It has survived
philosophical debates, wars, persecutions, and burnings.
We know the Bible is God’s Word
because archaeology has confirmed it.
For example, the Old Testament mentions the Hittites some forty times,
but secular literature makes no mention of them at all. Because of this, some people have said that
the Bible is inaccurate. Then
archaeologists dug up the great Hittite empire and proved the Bible right!
We know the Bible is from God
because it has the power to transform.
It transforms individual lives, societies, countries. It has produced literacy, liberty, and a
republican form of government.
We have much proof that indicates
the Bible is God’s Word. Since He has
taken great care to communicate and preserve His Word for you, treasure it,
and take the time to know it well. Let
it speak to your heart today.
Not one single archaeological discovery has ever
controverted the Bible. —Nelson Glueck
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