Monday, December 28, 2015

From the Cradle to the Cross

From the Cradle to the Cross

It's not pleasant to 'connect the dots' between the manger of the Babe of Bethlehem and the cross of our Savior, but the fact of the matter is that the sole purpose of Jesus' birth was so He could live the sinless life that we cannot live and die in our place so we don't need to die.

There are no words of thanks that we can say that are sufficient for such a sacrifice. There is no act of service that we can perform that is able to compensate our LORD for His great sacrifice. But, HE doesn't want words or service from us.

No, what He wants is our laying of our lives at His feet so He can transform us from sinners to saints. He wants us to give the worn, weary, misused, abused, empty shell of our lives to Him so He may return to us fullness of life -- and that eternal.

The reality is that the dots that connect the manger to the cross intersect also at each of our lives. It isn't until we connect the Savior to ourselves that our lives become what HE died to enable them to become --transformed and free.

May the reflected glory of the cross shine from each blood-bathed, born again believer, so the Savior may radiate gloriously from each of our lives.

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