Friday, July 8, 2016



So, you think this entire post is hypocritical, that it is typical CHRISTIAN judgementalism spewed against Hillary Clinton while extolling someone like John Newton.

May I differ with you. Hillary Clinton, the entirety of whose sin-laden career has not been clearly identified because throughout her life she appears to have gotten away with so much lawlessness, is an UNREPENTANT SINNER.

Whatever transgressions she has committed have been swept away by the powerful Clinton machine, not washed away by the CLEANSING BLOOD OF THE LAMB.

On the other hand, John Newton was the most repugnant of vile men who acknowledged his sinfulness and his need for a SAVIOR and placed his sin and his life at the feet of JESUS.

Newton allowed himself to be transformed from evil to godliness by the ONLY ONE who has the power to change sinners to saints.

If Hillary Clinton would do that, I could be among her supporters, but she has not. In her pride and arrogance she sees herself above the law of the land.

I cannot see her heart but from her actions it appears she has no concern whatsoever for the LAW OF GOD--or any belief in HIM. It certainly appears that she has no fear of eternal consequences of her sinful lifestyle.

The bottom line is that there are only two kinds of sin--forgiven and unforgiven. The only unforgiven sins are those that have not been washed away by the blood of our sinless SAVIOR.

Which kind are yours?

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