July 16
Is Christianity Unscientific? by Dr. D. James Kennedy
It is the glory of God to conceal a thing, but the honor of kings is to search out a matter. —Proverbs 25:2
Sometimes we hear the accusation that Christianity is unscientific. What people who make such claims don’t realize is that science got its birth during the Christian era.
All of the early modern scientists were Christians who believed that they were, in the words of astronomer Johannes Kepler, “thinking God’s thoughts after Him.”
They believed that a rational God had made a rational universe, and it was the role of science to discover the rules He had impressed on the material world.
Who invented science?
It was Francis Bacon who is credited with having been the inventor of the scientific method, that combination of induction and deduction, of hypothesis and proof (empirical proof).
Bacon was a devout Christian. He believed in God. He believed in Christ, he believed in the Bible, and he believed in Creation. He said that God had given us two books—He has given us the book of nature to understand the world, and the book of Scripture—and we are to read both of them.
Who was the greatest scientist who ever lived?
A poll taken of scientists just a few years ago concluded that the greatest scientist was Sir Isaac Newton.
Newton believed in God, he believed in Christ, he believed in the Bible, and he believed in creation. The beliefs were the foundation for Newton’s work as a scientist.
The phrase “laws of nature and of nature’s God” is quite a significant assertion on the part of Christian scientists. It affirms that science and faith go hand-in-hand, even as a man walks with God into the realm of discovery.
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