Thursday, July 7, 2016

Politics and Religion

Politics and Religion

It has been my intent to devote my writing to spiritual matters rather than to personal associations or controversial issues or politics. While all of these, and so many other things, generate interest, they do not promote the things of GOD, nor do they uplift HIS people.

But as I contemplate posts that are worthy of being considered by people of faith I cannot avoid the nagging reality that much of what is transpiring under the current administration and much of what is evidenced in the character and actions of our presumptive democratic candidate for the high office of president fly in the face of everything our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST extolled in HIS ministry.

If it seems there is too much focus on politics, I apologize to those of you who read this page to be up-lifted spiritually. It is my heart's prayer that the things I post will not only bless you in the inner man / woman, but will also serve as a reminder to all of us that our nation was founded on the principles of CHRISTIANITY by men who owned JESUS as their SAVIOR.

It is my prayer that this nation, which was placed at the feet of JESUS at its inception and which has been blessed by HIM through its existence, will not fall from its lofty estate because of political corruption on the part of elected officials who spew their faith out of one side of their mouths but disparage HIS NAME from the other.

I pray that those who extol sin and employ evil devices to attain their corrupt and selfish ends will not be allowed to undermine this country that has until now been , "...of the people, by the people, for the people..." that as President Lincoln said, it "will not perish from the earth."

Burn in hell, Hillary Clinton!

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