President Vladimir Putin has just crossed a very dangerous line. He has
just signed a law making it illegal for Russian followers of Jesus
Christ to share or preach the Gospel anywhere outside the walls of their
church, or even email their family and friends to invite them to
church. What's more, he has done so under the guise of preventing
Putin -- who is fashioning himself as a rising Czar -- is an increasingly dangerous despot. He continues to centralize government power and control to himself. He is trampling over human rights, the media, and NGOs. He is rebuilding the Russian military. He has invaded neighboring Georgia and Ukraine. He is arming and building alliances with Radical Islamic countries, particularly Iran.
Putin is positioning himself as an enemy of Christ and His Church. If
he doesn't not reverse course, he risks bringing disaster upon himself
and the people of Russia.
As Christianity Today reports,
last week "Russian President Vladimir Putin approved a package of
anti-terrorism laws that usher in tighter restrictions on missionary
activity and evangelism. Despite prayers and protests from religious
leaders and human rights advocates, the Kremlin announced Putin’s
approval yesterday. The amendments, including laws against sharing faith
in homes, online, or anywhere but recognized church buildings, go into
effect July 20."
Please read and share this important article from Christianity Today with others. Please
be praying for God to change Putin's heart. Please be praying for the
pastors and Christian leaders and lay people in Russia. And please pray
for the Russian people. This is a very dangerous road they are now
heading down.
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