Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Will We Vote Away Our Freedom?

Booker T. Washington understood the treachery of unscrupulous politicians who manipulated voters.

Dr. Washington attributed this to the fact that many voters are 'ignorant' of what is going on around them.

The concern that he expressed so long ago regarding the importance of voting with a secure girding of knowledge is as important (perhaps more important) today as it was in Dr. Washington's day.

None of us as voting citizens of a free country should allow ourselves to vote away our freedom to any candidate who is not part of the system!

None of us as voting citizens of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA should allow ourselves to vote away our freedom to any candidate who IS ABOVE THE LAW UNDER WHICH WE --ALL ORDINARY CITIZENS-- MUST LIVE.

CIA Terrified: October "Event" Will Obliterate 3/4 Of America

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