Friday, December 30, 2016

Wrongs Claimed As Rights

The immutable law of our HOLY GOD, by its own definition as 'immutable,' does not change, for GOD HIMSELF does not change. As the WORD says of HIM, "From eternity to eternity, YOU ARE GOD."

Man's finite mind cannot fathom eternity. Man cannot comprehend a BEING who had no beginning and has no end. Man cannot grasp the scope of endlessness...and how can he, for he has a beginning and the life that he knows has an end.

Yet, once a life has begun, once conception occurs, man's life becomes eternal. 

The baby aborted in its mother's womb will live forever.

The old and infirm, enduring the last throes of earthly existence, will live forever.

What a man does with JESUS determines where he shall spend eternity.

A reprobate man who denies his need for the salvation JESUS holds out to him will perish in sin.

While in life, he may cling to his 'rights,' which have, in a perverse society, become increasingly 'wrong,' but the moment he slips the veil of flesh, he will recognize the error of his way; he will know that he is eternally undone.

The sinner who comes before JESUS and allows himself to be washed free of sin in the cleansing Font of Calvary will allow himself to overhaul his life. From the moment he sees himself as GOD sees him, he will surrender his life to the HOLY SPIRIT who will guide him from the path of sin that he has trod to the path of righteousness.

The wrongs that the earth espouses and claims as 'rights' will have no more hold upon him, for his heart and his mind will have been transformed by the light of salvation that CHRIST has shone upon him.

May men, as the HOLY SPIRIT moves upon them, become uncomfortable with sin. May they no longer be among those who call evil good and good evil. May they see as GOD sees.

May men abhor the wrongs that they have clamored for as their rights, that their minds may be renewed and their sins washed away and their feet set on the path that leads to eternity with JESUS.

United States Constitution

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