Antichrist World Order by Bill Wilson
Since the presidency of George HW Bush, America has been part of a conspiracy to establish a one world Marxist-oriented order under the theme of globalism.
This phenomena has been underscored by the movement and resettlement of populations from one country to another, the export of jobs and businesses from industrialized nations to developing nations, the loss of jobs and declining middle class in developed nations, and an increase in poverty.
Now, people are rebelling. We've seen it with Britain's exit from the European Union and with the Trump election.
And there are what the news media calls elitists in Davos, Switzerland plotting a new course to continue this march toward an antichrist system.
These Davos elite are the political and business leaders of developed nations who assemble each year to plot their course toward a global economy.
But this meeting has them scratching their heads as everything was on track until people rebelled. Now they are trying to figure out how to placate the people while still accomplishing their goals.
For example, Bloomberg reports that Richard Baldwin, professor of international economics at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, said, "We need to go to a system where we are protecting workers, not jobs, and society will help people retrain or reorient. There may just be a need to man up. We have to pay for the social cohesion that we need to keep our societies advancing, and accept that this may be a higher tax burden on people."
That's not manning up, that's wealth redistribution while the elites skim their take.
International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde confirmed Baldwin's remarks and added, "But it needs to be granular, it needs to be regional, it needs to be focused on what will people get out of it and it probably means more redistribution than we have in place at the moment."
Bloomberg reports, Bridgewater Associates Billionaire Ray Dalio, said, "I want to be loud and clear: populism scares me. The No. 1 issue economically as a market participant is how populism manifests itself over the next year or two."
Former US Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers said Trump was suspending the rule of law by bringing jobs back to America.
Vice President Joe Biden told the conference that populism threatens the collapse of the "liberal world order."
These tyrants are enriching themselves at the dire expense of society and are setting the stage for an antichrist world order.
America, in spite of its flaws, always has been a beacon of freedom of speech and religion.
An antichrist world order is a threat to both as is written of it in Revelation 13:17, "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."
We know that such a system will come about, but we must also stand against it as those who don't are judged accordingly, and those who do are honored.
These tyrants fear populists who stand up for their rights. Let's stand in vigilance.
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