Prayer for a New Era by Bill Wilson
Heavenly Father, we praise your holy name and thank you for your mercy, your discipline, your lovingkindness.
Thank you that you gave your only begotten Son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. Thank you that through Jesus Christ the world might be saved.
Thank you that you intervene on our behalf that we are not destroyed by the evil one, that you protect us in troubled times, and you are our very present help and refuge.
Thank you that we may abide beneath your almighty shadow and you are our shield and buckler. You have delivered us even slightly from the dark work of a stranger's hands and you have covered us with your feathers and under your wings a remnant trusts.
We ask your forgiveness for our disobedience as a nation. Please forgive the trespasses of those who have transgressed your Word and have been an offense to righteousness. They claim strongly that they know what is best and they beat their chests with iniquity, saying their truth is greater than yours.
Please forgive us for allowing their rebelliousness and wicked abominations to darken our nation. Please forgive us as a people for twisting your word and making it what is isn't. We ask your hand upon us as like a father to a disobedient son who has repented from his rebellious ways. We beg your forgiveness though we know we are not deserving of it. May our remnant stand in the breech and make the hedge that you may save our nation.
We pray Lord for your Peace to return to our land, for the peace of Jerusalem and your protection of her. Lord we ask that you strengthen us to stand for your righteousness. We seek your wisdom as witnesses to your glory.
We pray that perilous days ahead would be met with the strength and boldness of the saints, guided by your Holy Spirit and girded by your full armor that we may know how to stand on the courage you give us through the power of your word. That we are able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all that we stand confident in your presence.
We pray that we may speak boldly as we ought to speak and quench all the fiery darts of the wicked using the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit, your holy word.
We ask protection over our leaders and that they may lead wisely and in the admonition of your ways. We pray that your righteousness becomes their righteousness; that they seek the desires of your heart and act rightly. We pray that they know your justice and raise it from its fallen state and set it upright; that your truth and equity enters our nation's house and abides there.
We pray that you restore us as that city that is set on the hill and cannot be hid; that we are led to be the light of the world and restore your name on our housetops.
Let us be at peace with our neighbors and lead the nations by our example in your good name, that your prosperity be no longer a stranger to us.
And as Jesus said in Matthew 6:13, "Deliver us from evil: For yours is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever. Amen."
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