Disconnected from Reality by Bill Wilson
When we look at the anarchists making fools of themselves in the streets of America, protesting anything and everything against President Donald Trump, the question often arises about how these people actually view the world.
Do they see things from an ethical, moral or truth foundation, or are they emotionally driven and disconnected with reality? The answer is obvious to many, but a recent Rasmussen poll sheds light on how these people think.
Rasmussen found that 62% of likely US Voters believe Christians living in the Islamic world are treated unfairly because of their religion. Rasmussen reported, "Just 17% disagree, while 21% more are undecided." But the details of the survey reveal something shocking.
Rasmussen reports, "By comparison, 39% feel most Muslims living in the United States are treated unfairly because of their religion. That's up from 31% last year and is the highest finding in surveys to date.
A plurality (46%) still believes Muslims are not treated unfairly because of their faith, while 15% more are not sure." But here is the shocker: "Fifty-six percent (56%) of Democrats, however, believe most Muslims in this country are mistreated, a view shared by only 22% of Republicans and 39% of voters not affiliated with either major party.
Fewer Democrats (47%) think most Christians are mistreated in the Islamic world, compared to 76% of GOP voters and 64% of unaffiliateds."
The religion of peace.com, a site that is concerned with Islam's political and religious teachings according to its own texts, reports, "since 9/11, an additional 145 Americans have been killed in 50 separate acts of deadly Islamic terror or Islam-related honor killing in the United States.
Hundreds of mass murder plots have been thwarted or botched. The real story is not "Islamophobia" but American tolerance - which rightly refuses to punish the individual based on group identity."
Indeed, around the world Muslims are the majority perpetrators in killing Christians. Pew Research says that close to 100,000 Christians are killed each year because of their faith.
Jihad Watch reports that the Christian population in Iraq is now between 50,000-250,000, down from 1.4 million in 2003-"They were either massacred by jihadist or abducted."
It is not debatable that Islam relentlessly persecutes Christians. That the vast majority of Democrats (56%) don't believe it is an incredible disconnect with reality. It serves as a prime example of how liberals process information and reject what they don't want to believe, even though it is indisputable.
This is the same mentality that we are facing as a nation with those who are protesting the crack down on illegal immigration and bringing in people from terrorist-sponsoring Islamic states. Their "truth" is what they believe, not what is actually true.
As is said in 2 Timothy 4:4, "And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables."
This is what those of us with a sound mind are dealing with.
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