Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Behind the Scenes

A Behind-the-Scenes Look at What President Trump Saw When He Opened the White House to Kids by Jenni Fink

On Tuesday, a group of kids from Briarwood Christian School in Birmingham, Alabama, took a tour of the White House. According to the White House's website, the group would have seen the wonders of the Vermeil Room and the China Room.

On the State Floor, they would feast their eyes on the marvels of the East Room and the State Dining Room.

However, the greatest sight the kids would see happened outside any of these famous rooms. Cliff Sims, the Special Assistant to the President and Director of Message Strategy at the White House, told Independent Journal Review:

“The staff let the group know they had a surprise for them and had them gather around in the grand hallway on the ground floor of the White House.”

As the kids anxiously waited for their surprise behind a red, velvet rope, a special guest was making his way towards the grand hallway.
A video captured by Sims shows President Donald Trump walking purposefully through a short hallway made of accordion dividers, before revealing himself for the surprise of a lifetime:

The video was taken from the president's point of view and showed a crowd of impatient young kids going wild with excitement.

Amid cheers of shock and awe, the president extended an arm and singled out one boy. While Trump had his arms open wide, the boy stood up and pointed to himself, seemingly unsure if the president really meant he could go closer.

With encouragement from his classmates, the boy walked around the rope and approached the president, who wrapped his arm around the boy's shoulder.

The kids from Briarwood Christian School were understandably shocked when the President of the United States took time out of his schedule to greet them. Sims, however, was not. He told IJR:

“President Trump loves interacting directly with the American people. He did it throughout his campaign, and it continues to be one of his favorite parts of being the president.”

With a larger-than-life personality, there are many words that could be used to sum up the embodiment of Donald Trump.

If Sims had to choose only three of those words, they would be:

“The People's President.”

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