Everyone Who Disagrees by Bill Wilson
Don't confuse liberals, progressives or communists with the facts. They don't win or lose arguments on facts. These are a breed of humankind who are in word against bullying, xenophobia, misogyny, homophobia, Islamophobia, paranoia, bigotry, and hate, but in deed they exercise those very traits against anyone who disagrees with them by hurling personal insults and labeling.
Their latest post-election rages include calling people who disagree with them Nazis or a Hitler, especially if they are losing an argument. If you are really good with your facts, you may not even get a label before you advance to being a Nazi or a Hitler. These people are emotional, they care little about facts and are quick to label you.
They are also the first to say that they don't believe much of the Bible, if at all, yet they will sure quote scripture to you out of context.
How many times have you heard them say on TV, "don't judge us" or "who are you to judge me?"
They don't want to be judged for their stands on transgendered bathrooms or abortion, but they are quick to judge those who disagree with them and lable them as Nazis.
Last June 1, for example, the leftist flagship The Daily KOS, wrote a headline, "Jeff Sessions Endorses Nazi Style Fascism." Sessions was being labeled because he was one of the few members of Congress who recognized that Islamic terrorists could be among those coming to America through the ex-president's immigration plan.
As early as March 3, 2016, the progressive Huffington Post wrote: "Donald Trump's ascent to the top of the Republican presidential candidate heap has been increasingly likened to the rise of Adolf Hitler, as both men have used racist rhetoric and blamed select groups of minorities for many of the country's problems.
On Saturday, that comparison became even more apparent when footage surfaced of Trump at a rally in Orlando, Florida, that was eerily reminiscent of 1930s Nazi rallies." Noted at the end of the story: "Editor's note: Donald Trump is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist, birther and bully who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims--1.6 billion members of an entire religion--from entering the U.S."
Leftist Bill Maher compared Trump's speeches with Hitler's in an attempt to show how both men were alike.
These are just a couple of examples of what has become so commonplace in the national dialogue of the extreme left. The recent women's march on Washington, DC could provide many more examples where ignorant celebrities who's trade is to sling a good line, repeatedly insulted those who disagree with them with disrespect and vulgarity.
Nothing in modern history compares with atrocities Hitler and the Nazis did to humankind.
Romans 2:3 says, "And do you think this, O man, you who judge those practicing such things, and doing the same, that you will escape the judgment of God?"
We don't have to judge because in the end, God will be the judge. It's sad that our national dialogue is so disrespectful and hateful and is generated by those who claim to be the opposite.
What ever happened to civility and disagreeing without being disagreeable?
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