Thursday, March 2, 2017

Of Course You Love!

Of course you love!

You love your parents. They gave you life. They made sacrifices for you.

You love your spouse. He/She is the heart of your life.

You love your children. They compel you to rise beyond who you are to who you should be.

You love your neighbors. They are the bedrock of your community.

You love your country. Patriotism is at the core of your being.

You love your enemy...or do you?

If love isn't love until you give it away, you must realize that it isn't truly given away until you give it to those who are unworthy of it.

The love you give your parents, your spouse, your children, your neighbors, your country...simply flows from you. It simply pours out from a heart that overflows with warmth and tenderness to those who are precious.
But the love you give to your enemy is like gold in the depth of the ground. It must be mined. You have to go into the bowels of who you are to extract it, even as the miner must go deep into the bowels of the earth to extract gold.

But in having plumbed the depths of your being to bring forth the pure gold of love, you will have met the SOURCE of love. You will have met GOD who is love. You will have met the ONE who abides deep within your heart. The ONE you love because HE first loved you.

LOVE Isn't LOVE until you GIVE it AWAY!

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