Thursday, March 9, 2017


Our HEAVENLY FATHER knows the times and the seasons...they, as all things, are in HIS hand. We endeavor to discern the way the storms will blow and when the sun will shine brightly, but HE who forms the storms and who placed the sun knows what we can only speculate.

In the midst of a harsh winter, we may hope for spring; in the swelter of a hot summer, we may yearn for a cool autumn breeze, but our hoping cannot change the times or the seasons.

Just so, in the spiritual realm, there are seasons that impact our lives.

There are the warm, luxurious summers when we bask in the radiance of success and acquisition of good things.

There are the cool breezes of autumn when we sense an on-coming chill but find comfort in the faith we wrap around ourselves.

There are the harsh blasts of a winter onslaught that come with bitter cold and blinding wind from which we can find no shelter. Even our faith would fail us at those times were we not covered by the loving hand that shields us from the intensity of the cold.

And in the depth of the worst season of our lives, we hope for spring. We hope for that first crocus that peaks out from beneath the snow. We search for that first robin's return from its sojourn. We await the warm sun that will melt the winter snow and cause life to spring forth again.

In all the seasons, may we trust the ONE who has promised that HE will never fail or forsake us. In all the seasons, may we lean on HIM who holds the seasons in the hollow of HIS loving hand...and may we wait expectantly for that season of deliverance from all life's trials to our eternal season of joy.


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