Thursday, March 2, 2017

No Coercion in Religion

The koran states that there is no 'coercion' in religion.

Perhaps the people in Pakistan who are holding Asia Bibi because she will not renounce her faith in CHRIST should re-read their holy book.

Perhaps professing CHRISTIANS should be praying fervently for this sister who is willing to lay down her life for her faith in our SAVIOR.

Perhaps professing CHRISTIANS should re-assess their own faith to see if they would be willing to take her stance if they were in her place.

Even those believers who live in "the land of the free and the home of the brave" are aware that the storm clouds of persecution are gathering and darkening.

The day may come when being driven from ones home, being tortured for ones faith, being executed for ones commitment to CHRIST will not be happening only in some far off land but right here.

Standing boldly in faith under the trial of persecution and the threat of death requires steadfastness that is gained before the hard days come.

Standing boldly in faith in the time of extreme duress demands knowing the ONE Paul knew and believing with him that HE IS ABLE TO KEEP THAT WHICH YOU'VE COMMITTED TO HIM.

Are you that steadfast in faith? Are you that committed to JESUS?

You will be then if you draw near to HIM now.

Pray for Aisa Bibi...put yourself in her place...strengthen her at her moment of excruciating trial by your effectual, fervent, steadfast prayers.

If we don't act now, Asia Bibi will be the first woman executed under Pakistan’s Shariah blasphemy law. This Christian mother of five should not die for her faith.

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