Monday, May 1, 2017

Close to the Tree

The old saying is true, the apple really doesn't fall far from the tree. Your children are learning from you all the time, even when you don't think you're teaching them anything.

They are always watching, learning from your example, far more than they are learning from your tutelage, that is why it is so very important that you live a godly, loving life before them.

Your faith, practiced with deep commitment and conviction will help to establish their own confidence in the ONE, TRUE, LIVING GOD. Your love, lavished generously upon them will be the anchor that holds them to a beneficial opinion of themselves.

These words of wisdom from GOD'S love letter to mankind should be taken to heart by everyone who professes faith in CHRIST as SAVIOR and LORD, for HIS WORD is indeed living, powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword.

Every parent must use that WORD, that sword, to cut through the deceit and delusion of the world and enable his children to see with clarity the TRUTH of the ages.


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