Saturday, August 19, 2017

The Legacy of William J. Seymour

The Legacy of William J. Seymour - "Another message was that of racial reconciliation. 

Blacks and whites worked together in harmony under the direction of a black pastor, a marvel in the days of Jim Crow segregation. 

This led Frank Bartleman to exult, "At Azusa Street, the color line was washed away in the Blood of Jesus." 

Seymour dreamed that Azusa Street was creating a new kind of church, one where a common experience in the Holy Spirit tore down old walls of racial, ethnic, and denominational differences." John Absher 

"GOD is no respecter of persons." HIS HOLY WORD, the BIBLE, tells us that in HIM, there is "no Jew nor Greek, no slave nor free..." Our HOLY GOD loves all mankind. JESUS CHRIST died on a cruel cross for the sins of every man who ever lived.

When HE has moved mightily upon the earth, when HE has revived HIS people, HE has used those men who were available to HIM--from Paul who began as a persecuter of believers in CHRIST and became a devout proponent of the LORD to William J. Seymour, a powerful man of faith who happened to be black, our LORD and SAVIOR has used men who had given HIM their hearts, who were pliable in HIS hand to show HIMSELF strong, to effect HIS purposes in the hearts and lives of those who would hear and believe.

What scoffers viewed as a weird babble of tongues became a world phenomenon after his Los Angeles revival.

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