Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Border Warning

Border Warning

To all of you out there who think those of us who supported, and voted for, then candidate Donald Trump because we are xenophobic and racist, here is your wake up call. A former United States Marine Patrolling the Mexico-Texas Border has a chilling message for you and all Americans.

In an interview with Dennis Michael Lynch, a former U.S. Marine who served in the Middle East is now an active member of a border group that patrols the southern border. He is a former bomb expert trained by the Department of Defense. Known to his pals as “Talon,” he shared his thoughts about the 'other than Mexicans' that have been coming through the border for years.

"The Chinese and Middle Eastern people coming through the border are not coming here to mow our lawns and wash dishes. They hate us with a passion,” said Talon. When referring to the Muslims who hate the U.S. he said, “We are the infidels and they think we deserve to die.”

Lynch asked the former Marine how long it would be until another 9/11.

Talon answered, “I’m shocked it hasn’t happened yet. Let me tell you that once they figure out how to get a nuke through the border, we will lose a U.S. city.”

There are congressional reports that reveal the drug cartels work with terror groups from the Middle East.”

All this isn’t news to those of us already living in border states. We see what’s coming in on a daily basis. Our cities are being overrun by gang crime as never before. The best of the best doesn’t just walk across our borders.

These aren’t children with “Divinity in their Eyes” as Nancy Pelosi calls them. Since President Trump’s inauguration, there has been a sharp decrease in illegals crossing the border illegally, but we won’t be secure until the wall is built and we are able to stop them completely.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions sent official letters to the nine different cities, counties and the whole state of California ordering them to stop the madness and let The Department of Homeland Security and ICE do their job. If not they will be punished by ceasing to send these nine entities federal funds.

I know my home state of California can’t survive long on its own although liberals and loony politicians actually believe it can. Maybe legalizing Marihuana in this state wasn’t such a great idea after all.

These people walking over our border are not coming here for better job opportunities at all. These people cannot stand America and will do everything they can to destroy us and our way of life. The left knows that the only way to destroy America is through political correctness coupled with multiculturalism.
If you have not read The Communist Takeover of America-45 Declared Goals, I suggest you look it up. The number one stated goal is, U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.

We have seen the left use this argument before when stating the reasons for open borders and acceptance of illegals and Muslims. The argument they use is that these people who desire to kill us can be averted if we just coexist with them. Of course, that is absolute insanity, but we have seen that this tactic has worked over the last several years.

That is why we need to be on constant alert and push back against this dangerous rhetoric. We are aware that dangerous people have made their way into America and until they are found and deported pose a real threat. That is why we need President Trump’s border wall to be erected and ICE agents to be allowed to do their job properly.

Those that stand against Trump’s plans to protect our nation should be held accountable for their actions. We need to stand up against these leftist radicals and demand that this wall is built sooner than later.

To all you Liberals out there, please, stop with the finger pointing and accusations. This isn’t about being bigoted, Islamophobic, Xenophobic, or whatever “phobic” you want to invent next. It’s about our very survival of as a nation, as a culture and as a people.

If you need to, pretend the bad people slipping in through the border are Christians and Jews. I’m sure if they were you would have no issue whatsoever in building a wall to stop them, but please don't continue to play with our security and our very existence only because you believe in the madness that is Political Correctness.

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