Tuesday, August 21, 2018


Nothing has changed through the centuries...there have always been those who refuse to hear the GOSPEL of TRUTH
Where do you stand?
Do you totally disbelieve the WORD of GOD?
Do you treat the BIBLE as a smorgasbord of ideas from which you may pick and choose … accept what appeals to you and disregard what you don't like?
Do you accept that JESUS is unique among all other men, living or dead? That HE is a man above men, of good character and profound wisdom but no more than a wise man?
Do you believe that JESUS is a prophet, one sent to fulfill a part of the purpose of GOD but in no way greater than any other prophet?
Do you accept JESUS as your SAVIOR but not as your LORD? Do you think that by your mere acknowledgement of HIM you can be eternally redeemed while living your life as a reprobate who walks in the lust of the eyes and of the flesh?
Have you placed your life at the feet of JESUS, offering HIM the totality of your heart and the completeness of your obedience to HIS WORD as well as the surrender of your lips to HIS TRUTH, sharing it with everyone whose life touches yours?
When HE comes for you, or when HE comes for the redeemed, one group will be caught up and be together with HIM forever.
Do you know which group?
Will you be in it?

0:20 / 0:44

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