Thursday, January 10, 2019


You have perhaps noticed that prayer played a role in each of the miracles reported to date. That should suggest to you that prayer should play a role in your desire to overcome your problems.
Whether the things that perplex you are great or small, they are neither too difficult for nor too insignificant for the Holy One who loves you.
The Apostle Paul said to, “Pray without ceasing.” Take that LITERALLY !!!!! Wake up each morning in prayer and never close your line of communication with the GOD who hears your every word and knows your every thought and has the answer for your every need.
God has given us the greatest resource there is in the world, a direct line to Him. We deny ourselves a great blessing if we don’t take full advantage of it. There is nothing in your life that you will face that is too big for God to handle or too small to hold His interest. He cares about everything that touches you. God cares about YOU! God cares about every detail in your life.
Indeed, every believer in Christ should follow the admonition of the Apostle Paul to, “pray without ceasing.”
Begin your day in prayer, and in reading and studying God’s Word.
Spend the entire day with your line of communication to God OPEN through prayer in Jesus’ mighty name.
Prayer demonstrates our dependence on God. When we don’t pray, we are depending on ourselves.
John 15:5 tells us, “without me, you can do nothing.”
Why should we try to deal with life’s problems alone, when God is ready, willing, and able to help us overcome our every challenge with victory?
Abide in Him, let His Word abide in you. Appropriate the power He says is yours as you pray through your challenges...and thereby add to the list of miracles.

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