Sunday, January 13, 2019

Sunday’s Miracle

Sunday’s Miracle
Wally was a gifted young preacher who felt the LORD call him to leave his native land and go to Saudi Arabia where many young men from the Philippines had gone to make enough money to sustain the members of their families who were living in poverty, and for a brighter future to see their dreams come true.
When Wally arrived, he had much opportunity to share his faith with other expatriates from not only his native land but from other nations as well. He not only preached among the expatriate community, but he also conducted Bible studies and prayer meetings in the evenings at various compounds that housed those lonely men who were far away from home and family and far from the religion in which they had been raised.
His devotion to the Truth of the LORD and his commitment to serve the needs of people kept him busy all the time. His busyness did not keep him from reaching out to the citizens of this Islamic country. Together with his wife, they had several private meetings with Saudi officials where the Gospel was shared and the reception and responses they got inspired them to press on and pray with persistence for the salvation of their muslim hosts.
These encounters came to the knowledge of some religious fanatics that eventually led to Wally’s troubles with the authorities. He was arrested and charged with the “crime” of conducting Church services and preaching about JESUS. Wally was tried and convicted and sentenced to death.
In a twist of cruel irony, he was to be executed on Christmas Day. The news of the dire situation in which this beloved pastor found himself spread rapidly among the expatriate community. Most felt powerless to help—people from small, poor countries like the Philippines are without a voice in the convoluted legal system of a nation like Saudi Arabia. But Pastor Wally had friends among the Americans who would not stand idly by while this evil was perpetrated against him.
Petitions were drawn up and signed and sent to influential Americans to enlist their aid in securing Wally’s freedom. Among those who were used by the LORD to secure Pastor Wally's release were the pastor of the church in Arkansas attended by then-president Bill Clinton, as well as General Norman Schwarzkopf who had been instrumental in holding back the onslaught of Sadam Hussein against other Arab countries. The aid of these and other influential people was instrumental in securing Pastor Wally’s release.
This good and godly man has used the years since obtaining his freedom to minister the Gospel of JESUS to people around the world.
He counts as his greatest achievement for the LORD the ability to reach those who are of the religious persuasion that sought his execution.

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