Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Communism Losing Stigma

Communism Losing Stigma by Bill Wilson
Azios reports a Harris poll for "Axios on HBO" finds that socialism is gaining popularity as 4 in 10 Americans say they would prefer living in a socialist country over a capitalist one. This corroborates a Gallup poll in April that some 43% of Americans believed socialism is good for America.
Axios reports that it is significant that socialism is losing its Soviet-era stigma, especially among women, "Popular Democratic socialists like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders are bringing new life and meaning to the term." The Harris poll indicated that "55% of women between 18 and 54 would prefer to live in a socialist country than a capitalist country. But a majority of men prefer to live in a capitalist country."
The Gallup poll indicated "a majority of Democrats have said they view socialism positively in Gallup polling since 2010, including 57% in the most recent measure in 2018." The Gallup survey also found that nearly 30% of Americans want government distribution of wealth, 35% want government responsibility for wages, and 33% want government control over the economy.
Interesting that these percentages coincide with the percentage of the population who are also registered Democrats, although the Gallup survey did not distinguish party affiliation. The Harris poll shows that Americans are accepting of socialism despite 49% understanding that it is a system dependent on dictatorship.
The Communist Manifesto says, "But communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis; it therefore acts in contradiction to all past historical experience."
Other linchpins of communism are enumerated in the Manifesto: 1) Abolition of property ownership, 2) a heavy progressive income tax, 3) abolition of all rights of inheritance, 4) confiscation of property, 5) centralization of credit, 6) centralization of transportation, 7) centrally planned economy, 8) obligation to work, 9) abolishing distinction between towns and country, and 10) a free education for children.
Since World War I, America has been on the slippery slope toward socialism.
The goal of Soviet Russia was to infiltrate American values with the destructive social goals of the Communist Manifesto. Former Soviet KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov, who defected from the Soviet Union in 1970, was interviewed in 1984 about Soviet infiltration methods. H
e said that by 1970 the Soviet Union already had infiltrated the US through brainwashing left-leaning people in the news media, entertainment, politics, business, education, and religion.
Progressives are the new communists.
Government replaces God.
Exodus 20:3 says, "Thou shalt have no other god's before me." People need to be educated about Soviet-era communism so those who are ignorant of its ramifications are aware. The coup before us is against the Constitutional government of this country, including the freedoms of religion and speech.

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