Friday, June 14, 2019

Foreign Influence Scandal

Foreign Influence Scandal by Bill Wilson
The ongoing coup attempt by the radical leftist neo communists continues without any subscription to fact, honesty or common sense. Political people say the most outrageous things.
The media shovels it up out of the ideological gutter and throws it on the gullible pile where ignorant and unthinking minions snarf if up as if it is a fountain of truth. People need to wake up and start thinking on their own.
Hosea 4:6 says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you, that you shall be no priest to me: because you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your children."
Pretty harsh consequences for ignorance, right? Well here is another example...
In an Oval Office interview Wednesday ABC News chief anchor George Papadopoulos asked President Donald Trump if his campaign would accept damaging information from a foreign government about a 2020 political opponent or hand it over to the FBI.
Trump responded, "I think maybe you do both. I think you might want to listen. There's nothing wrong with listening. If somebody called from a country, Norway, 'We have information on your opponent' - oh, I think I'd want to hear it. If I thought there was something wrong, I'd go maybe to the FBI if I thought there was something wrong,"
Democrats expressed outrage, saying this proves that Trump would collude with a foreign government to influence a US election.
Former Vice President and Democratic presidential frontrunner Joe Biden's campaign tweeted: "President Trump is once again welcoming foreign interference in our elections. This isn't about politics. It is a threat to our national security. An American President should not seek their aid and abet those who seek to undermine democracy."
Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) said it was "time to impeach" Trump.
Congressman Eric Swalwell (D-CA) announced he supported impeachment after Trump's comments.
The question was obviously a set up because any answer would have prompted a media landslide and strong political demagoguery from the neo communist coup-makers.
But let's take an inventory of who listens to foreign governments.
The immediate past president, the Democratic National Committee, and Hillary Clinton secretly paid for a foreign national, Christopher Steele, to fabricate a dossier of Trump-Russian collusion to undermine the election.
The Democrat's chief investigator, Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA), also sought information on Trump from Ukrainian government officials.
The DNC also accepted information on Trump from the Ukraine.
Obama and the FBI used the information in the Steele dossier to obtain a secret FISA court warrant to spy on Trump's campaign, even after he was elected, to try to overturn the election results. Yet they accuse Trump of foreign collusion. This is an excellent example of fake news accusing someone of doing exactly what the accusers have done.
And knowledge-rejecting ignoramuses will believe it.

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