Tuesday, June 11, 2019

The Lost Art of Meditating on the Word

The Lost Art of Meditating on the Word by Dr. D. James Kennedy
“I will meditate on Your precepts and keep my eyes on Your ways.” Psalm 119:15
We need to begin and end the day reading the Word of God, memorizing the Word of God, hiding it in our hearts, and then meditating upon it through the day and night: in the morning, to fortify us for the battles of the day; at night, to close the day in the presence of our God who shall make even heavy seasons light through His Word.
As we meditate upon the Word of God, He is sculpting us through that Word into His own image and making us what He would have us to be.
It is tragic that there are many people who determine to live according to only part of God’s Word without seeing the big picture of God’s will. They are like the aliens who were brought into Samaria after the people of Israel had been deported into Babylon. The Scriptures say that they feared the Lord Jehovah and served their own gods.
Many people will try to be a little bit righteous but then they want to reward themselves with a little bit of sin. With one foot in the church and the other foot in the world, they suppose they will find the best of both worlds.
The truth is that they discover the best of neither, and they miss out on the blessings of good success, which God promises to those who will determine to do all that is written in His Word through obedience to the divine precepts.
Lord, forgive us for our intellectual laziness. Forgive us that we have all sorts of time for recreation and diversions, but no time for Your Word. Give us strength for today to let Your holy Word saturate our minds and hearts.

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