*A Word of Advice
Here is a sobering word of advice to this year's graduates and to the friends who will celebrate this milestone achievement with them:
Here is a sobering word of advice to this year's graduates and to the friends who will celebrate this milestone achievement with them:
Have a GREAT time at your graduation. Enjoy this special event in your life, however, never forget that you are a beloved child of the Living and Eternal God, and the Lord Jesus Christ gave His life to redeem you from sin.
You are the "light of the world"
You are the "salt of the earth"
You are the "salt of the earth"
As a child of God, you are the HEAD, not the tail!
You are called to live UP to the standards of God, not DOWN to the standards of this world.
SET AN EXAMPLE at your graduation!
And live in the power your God has given you -- "the same power that raised Jesus from the dead," Romans 8:11.
* Your world has been turned topsy-turvy. Your graduation year has been like no other, yet the Lord who loves you is still in charge of your future.
Walk in the light as He is in the light, even through the darkness of quarantine that has cancelled many plans for celebrating your milestone achievement.
Trust your Jesus to secure your future. Listen to His Holy Spirit as He speaks, "This is the way; walk ye in it." Follow Him into the fullness of blessings that He has for you.
Trust Him to keep His hedge of safety around you strong and to set His protecting angels beside you to keep you safe in the midst of the storm that is raging around you.
Remember that His WORD, that cannot fail and cannot lie, assures that JESUS WILL NEVER FAIL YOU NOR FORSAKE YOU.
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