Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Selling Your Birthright

Selling Your Birthright
From: Today God Is First by Os Hillman
May 19, 2020

"Then Jacob gave Esau some bread and some lentil stew. He ate and drank, and then got up and left. So Esau despised his birthright." Genesis 25:34

Esau was brother to Jacob. One day he came back from hunting in the fields. He was hungry and tired. His brother Jacob was preparing some stew and Esau asked Jacob for a bowl. Jacob used this time to negotiate for what seems unimaginable - the family birthright.

Why would Esau take his birthright so lightly? Because he did not understand its value. Every day countless men and women exchange their birthrights for worldly goods, because they see what the world has to offer as more valuable than what God might offer.

This is not all their fault. Satan has blinded the minds and hearts of men and women for centuries. He does not want them to know the tremendous gold mine that awaits the child of God. Their inheritance is filled with meaning, purpose, and rewards that await them both here and in Heaven. Satan keeps men and women from seeing the real value of their own godly inheritance.

Your role as a Christian is to be the key that unlocks this prison that keeps so many in captivity. You may be the one to reveal the truth that allows them to enter into the inheritance God desires for them.

Pray that God allows you to see each unsaved person you encounter as one who needs the key you hold in your hand. Then you will show each one the door through which they have the opportunity to go -- Christ is the door to salvation -- and entering it brings the joy and the glory of eternal life with the Living God.

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