How Will You Be Weighed?
On Monday June 29, 2020 the Supreme Court of the United States struck out when it decided it was no longer going to stay in its designated legal lane of judicial interpretation and ruling and instead legislated outside the Constitution of the United States. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas filed a blistering opinion dissenting the decision to strike down a Louisiana law that required abortion doctors to obtain admitting privileges at a nearby hospital, calling the court’s record on abortion "grievously wrong."
“Chances are, these Supreme Court justices will never meet the parents of Jamie Lee Morales. They'll never have to look in the eyes of the little boy left behind by Tonya Reaves or console the husband of Jennifer Morbelli. They won't have to explain how Karnamaya Mongar survived war in Nepal only to die in the filthy recliner of a Philadelphia abortion center. Because even though three of them have daughters, the five justices who struck down Louisiana's abortion law don't seem to care that young women will keep dying because of courts like theirs.
"Unnecessary." That's the word the majority of justices used to describe a law that would have kept 10,000 women a year safe. Women, who, when they walk through the doors of Louisiana's abortion centers every year, are under the assumption they'll be protected. That their doctors care. Jamie Lee would give anything to warn them -- to tell them to turn back and go home -- but she'll never have the chance. She bled to death in the back of her sister's car because her abortionist didn't want to call an ambulance over the seven-inch gash he put in her uterus. Today, five justices sided with him. They said asking doctors like Robert Rho to have a relationship with a local hospital was "a burden." That it didn't "further women's health." That it was "an obstacle to abortion access." By tearing down Louisiana's law, the Supreme Court gave women access all right -- to shoddy, life-threatening care.”
“Unnecessary!“ With a sinking heart I heard the cries of the intercessors and the infant’s who cry out at Heaven’s altars. “How long O Lord will this wickedness continue? As in a haze, I saw the justices in their robes before me but distinctly I saw Justice John Roberts ruling, casting the deciding vote. Next to him were the scales of justice along with the words that were written so long ago by the hand of God, “MENE,*MENE, TEKEL,* UPHARSIN.*”
This is the interpretation of each word. MENE: God has numbered your kingdom, and finished it; TEKEL You have been weighed in the balances and found wanting; PERES: Your Kingdom has been divided, and given to the Medes and Persians. Daniel 5:23-28
At the time of confirmation, men and women nominated for appointment to the Supreme Court have adamantly declared that they would uphold the Constitution of the United States and judge legislation and adherence to it based on that precious document.
But when faced with the opportunity to take a stand on highly charged matters, they have often crumbled in the face of adversity or remained taciturn, voting but not rocking the boat.
If the Angel of Death were dispatched today to the Supreme Court and delivered the entire bench to the Lord for judgement, what would He find. Would only one be invited as Bride to the Wedding Feast of the Lamb and the remaining as guests or even denied entry? What about you? What would your invitation say? When you check off the box to RSVP to the King of the Universe will you check off Bride? Guest? Undecided but wavering? Denied?
My heart cries out for the lives dispatched because five justice made an unrighteous wicked decision. Blood is on their hands….Let’s pray.
Suggested Prayer Guide: Lord, as we prepare to engage the enemy, Your Word gives us instruction on the rules of spiritual warfare. We heed Your instructions lest we become unnecessary casualties of war.
In Preparation for War:
We declare that our spirit man is clad with the armor of the Lord and the armor of light. We put on the breastplate of righteousness to protect our heart and our chest cavity and vital organs. We function and conduct our life’s affairs according to Your original plan and purpose for us. It protects our reputation. We gird our loins about with truth. It protects our integrity. We put upon our feet the sandals of the Gospel of peace which guides our every step. We put on the helmet of salvation to renew our minds daily. It protects us from negative thoughts that would derail Your purposes and plans for us. We hold up the shield of faith to thwart every fiery dart of the enemy, it secures our future and our destiny. According to Judges 7:18, with the Word we take up the Sword of the Lord which grants us dominion and authority against the powers of hell. In the name of Yeshua we shall be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all to stand.
As we have donned the full armor of God, we stand up against all the schemes and the strategies and the deceits of the devil that attempts to overcome our minds with dread, fear and hpelessness. Our struggle is not against flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this [present] darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) places. Ephesians 6:11-12
We forbid any retaliation or backlash of the enemy against us in the name of Yeshua. We blind his vision through the pentagram and deafen his ears to our plans. We cover ourselves, our families, homes, finances and ministries in the Blood of Yeshua and We ask You to deliver our nation. All means communication and connectivity are covered in the Blood of Jesus and the enemy can’t interfere. We cover our phone lines, our electrical grid systems, our electronic devices and our internet service with the Blood of Jesus.
In the name of Yeshua we bind the strongmen of witchcraft and Abbadon (destruction) over America and Israel. We renounce all pride that would open the door for destruction. Proverb 16:18 We bind the prince of the power of the air and abolish demonic frequencies. We bind every scrambling spirit that would attempt to twist the words we pray or hear. We tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt us. Luke 10:19 We nullify the power of any sacrifice made to devils in our cities, regions, or nation in the name of Jesus. Leviticus 17:7 We bind and rebuke Molech and any spirit that has been assigned to abort the destiny of our nation America and Israel. Lev.18:21
We decree and declare that today is the dawning of a new day! Our season of frustration and failures is over and we walk in a season of obedience, reformation and victory. Old things have passed away; all things have become new. Let Your Holy Spirit and His wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge, the fear of the Lord and prophetic insight be upon us today. Isaiah 11:1-2 We decree and declare that now is the time to stand for righteousness. Now is the time to possess the land!
Lord in Jesus name, grant us the ability to hear clearly as You give us insight and the strategy and battle plan of heaven to bring about the victory You desire. Open our ears and let Your Word inspire us to righteousness and alignment of the movement of Your Spirit with clear, crisp transmission. Cause our spiritual eyes to function with 20/20 vision for the correct insight, understanding, and interpretation of the movement of God in this season. Lord we do not want to prophesy out of bitterness, emotion or by the flesh. Holy Spirit of the Living God we ask that You lead us by Your power in the way we shall pray.
People of God, when you go out to battle against your enemies, and see horses and chariots and people more numerous than you, do not be afraid of them; for the Lord your God is with you, who brought you up from the land of Egypt. So it shall be, when you are on the verge of battle, that Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of the Most High God, shall approach and speak to the people. And he shall say to them, ‘Hear, O Israel: Today you are on the verge of battle with your enemies. Do not let your heart faint, do not be afraid, and do not tremble or be terrified because of them; for the Lord your God is He who goes with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you.’
Deuteronomy 20:1-4, Hebrews 7:1
We praise You Lord! We praise You in Your sanctuary; we praise You in Your mighty firmament. We praise You for Your mighty acts; We praise You according to Your excellent greatness! Psalm 150:1-2
We enter into Your gates with thanksgiving, and into Your courts with praise. We are thankful to You, and bless Your name, YHWH. For You Lord are good; Your mercy is everlasting, and Your truth endures to all generations. Psalm 100:4-5
Father God we declare that You are the Righteous Judge in the Courts of Heaven. Your Being and Spirit embodies Truth, Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge and all Power and Might. We will have no other God before us but the one true God of Heaven and earth, Yahweh, the great I AM. We are eternally grateful for Your kindness and mercy to us for we have all sinned and fallen short of Your Glory. Lord God forgive us for our sins both known and unknown. Remembered and forgotten. Cleanse us, wash us clean by the power of Your Holy Blood, deliver us from all our iniquity Lord God! Create in us a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within us. Psalm 51:10
O Lord there is much to be grateful for and we thank You that You are moving on behalf of the rights of those who have been disenfranchised by prejudice against race, faith, economic status and educational opportunities.
Father God, as I read of the recent ruling of the Supreme Court of the United States regarding abortion rights and the State of Louisiana, my heart sank. The ruling overturned legislation voted upon by the people of Louisiana to restrict abortion rights and to protect the life of the mothers. Instead, the Court legislated outside of their jurisdiction regarding gender. That is not part of the Constitution. They are Jurists and not legislators. There is clear separation in the branches of government in the Constitution.
O God, You have looked upon the hearts of the justices, the men and women, and made Your determination. The dissent from the bench by Justice Clarence Thomas rose up like the cry of a heart newly pierced. Bless the man of God who cried out that their decision must be reversed, that they had erred on the side of being grievously wrong. He refused to remain silent and challenged Justice Roberts. Oh Lord why have not the other justices cried out? those who say they are called by Your name? They simply voted and made little comment. Why is JUSTICE not crying out over the letting of blood and legislating from the bench? But Clarence Thomas! Bless him Lord! Bless him for his outrage. He declared that the Constitution was true and we know it is based on Your Word. He cried out concerning wrong, but he was not heard! He cried aloud that there was no justice in their decision. They ruled outside their jurisdiction to legislate on the side of evil. Their responsibility is to interpret the law but not to make it. Job 19:7
Lord God Almighty, In the strident rhetoric that has been released in our nation about which lives matter, black lives, blue lives, brown lives, trans lives, they have forgotten that it’s also the lives of the unborn that matter so much to You Lord. All lives matter to You and Your desire is that not one would perish, those who were privileged to be born and those not yet brought forth from the womb.
We speak now to the Supreme Court justices of the United States, your court is not so high that it cannot be brought low by the Court of Heaven! The Righteous Judge Elohim has said you shall not pervert justice. You shall not show partiality to evil, nor take a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of the righteous. Deuteronomy 16:19 Do not allow Molech to flourish. You have acted presumptuously before the Lord, therefore remove your blindfolds and see the truth of what wickedness you have rendered on the earth with your decision. Repent and Reverse your decision while you still draw breath! I say Repent and Reverse your decision in the name of Jesus! Deuteronomy 17: 8-13
Father God, O wise and mighty King, we ask that the person(s) responsible for recommending candidates for nomination of justices for Federal and the Supreme Courts and all other courts be of Godly keen and discerning wisdom. We pray for soon to be vacant Supreme Court Justice and other judicial position(s), let them be recommended by the power of Your Holy Spirit, appointed by You for confirmation. Give the unction to President Trump to move swiftly on those recommendations when the time comes for it surely will.
In the name of Yeshua, fill Donald John Trump’s mouth when he sets judges in the land throughout the fortified cities of America, city by city and say to them, “Take heed to what you are doing, for you do not judge for man but for the Lord, who is with you in the judgement. Now therefore, let the Fear of the Lord be upon you; take care and do it, for there is no iniquity with the Lord our God, no partiality, nor taking of bribes.” 2 Chronicles 19:5-7
Now therefore, be wise, O kings in America and the nations. Be instructed, you judges of the earth, serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and you perish in the way, when His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him. Psalm 2:10-12
Many people are groaning and complaining even Your’s O Lord! The refining pot is for silver and the furnace for gold, but You test the hearts. Proverbs 17:3 What will You find in our hearts when we go from trouble to trouble? Silver, gold or lead? What we are going through now is only the beginning of sorrows, Your Word has said there would be the time that is worse then what we are experiencing in the Coronavirus restrictions. Alas! For that day is great, So that none is like it; And it is the time of Jacob’s trouble, but we shall be saved out of it. Jeremiah 30:7 That is Your promise, that You would not leave us or forsake us. So we have no where to run and no where to hide and nothing to fear. We shall be content when necessary. Hebrews 13:5 Let us be made perfect in love, perfect love casts out all fear, because fear involves torment. 1 John 4:18
Lord when You weigh us as a nation, we know that You will weigh us in truth and righteousness. O that we would be found as a strong and Godly nation! Your peculiar people, devoted to You. Appoint salvation for our walls and bulwarks. Open the gates that when we keep the truth we may enter in. You will keep us in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You. It’s because we trust You. We shall trust in You Lord forever. For YAH, our Lord, You are our everlasting strength. You keep Your promise and bring down those who dwell on high. The lofty city, You lay it low. You lay it low to the ground, bringing it down to the dust. The foot shall tread it down- the feet of the poor and the steps of the needy. Isaiah 26:1-6
Lord God the wicked are in the streets gnashing their teeth and roaring like lions. Deliver us from men who are like lions.
1 Chronicles 11:22. Some are poor and many are born into privilege but have scorned what blessings they have carried, others are deceived by the enemy They don’t know they are deceived because they are deceived. Reveal Yourself to them O God, that they will not perish. In Yeshua’s name we bind the spirit of destruction, deception and the anti-christ which is the root of Antifa, Marxism, communism and socialism. In Yeshua’s name we bind the mind blinding spirits that have brainwashed through indoctrination of false news and mind control techniques of repetitive false statements which have become accepted as truth. We loose to them the spirit of truth that Jesus Christ is their Savior. You are the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through You. John 14:6
We come today as the body of Christ in this nation, to lift up our President, Donald J. Trump. He has been fearless to declare that life of the unborn is precious. As many voices rise up against this one You have set into office, we lift up our voices, with one heart and mind, to stand in agreement with heaven’s purposes concerning our nation. Psalm 133 We stand by this President who has declared this nation to be under God’s rule and authority and seeks righteousness and justice for our nation, including to declare that abortion is infanticide, murder. Psalm 89:14
We welcome and embrace the fear of the Lord as the standard for all righteous rule and repent for the ways in which we have bowed to the fear of man. Cleanse our hearts and renew our minds that we may walk in the light of Your truth. Psalm 43:3 We ask that President Trump would delight in the fear of the Lord in order to walk in the power of Your might and the wisdom of Your ways. Micah 3:8 May righteousness and faithfulness be his portion so that he may render righteous judgments according to Your Word. Isaiah 11:3-5 We pray that he would continue to declare that You are a Holy and Mighty God.
May he love Your Word and seek your wisdom diligently Proverbs 8:17, remaining open and teachable to godly counsel and heaven’s wisdom. Proverbs 1:7 We thank You that his heart is in Your hands and that You will direct it according to Your will and purpose. Grant him increased grace and blessing as he heeds your voice and obeys Your word. Proverbs 21:1
Regarding the as yet not final Trumps Israel Peace Plan, we declare over President Trump that he will have true judgments by the Spirit and not according to man. He shall not be influenced by ungodly counsel. Isaiah 11:3-4 We declare that he will possess heaven’s knowledge with shrewdness of mind in making right decisions for the good of the people. This is especially true for all negotiations he is engaging in regarding Israel and the Trump Israel Peace Plan. Lord make it crystal clear to him the consequences of all actions and intimidations he may be facing or engaged in. Lead him to Your scripture which makes it clear before him, that he cannot deny. Proverbs 8:12
You did not give Israel the land as an inheritance only to be bartered away. Every inch of Eretz Israel is important and strategic to Your plans and purpose. We ask for a Holy Spirit encounter ONE on one with Donald John Trump, that he would know exactly what action to take or withdraw from in Jesus name. The land of Israel belongs to Israel and not to Palestine.
Fill our president’s mouth with good things that he may speak what is true and right. Especially when he speaks before the nation and in main stream and social media. Proverbs 8:6 May his ears become deaf to the assaults from his enemies and may those who seek his life answer to You for their wicked ways. May he know that it is only by Your hand and Your sovereign purpose which is keeping him and sustaining him in his divine commission. Psalm 38:12-15
We pray for the health and wellbeing of the entire Trump family, including children and grandchildren. In Jesus name, we bind every assignment of fear and destruction (assassination, verbal and physical, every coup d’ etat, gossip, slander.) Keep President Trump, and those who serve him, safe from the enemy’s snares and free from the accuser’s traps. Presidential angels go forth and keep him protected and strong. We bind his mind to the mind of Jesus Christ that his thoughts would be Godly and true. Psalm 141:9-10
By Your great hand, Lord, deal with those who oppose righteousness and justice so that all men will know it is You alone who is sovereign and true. Psalm 64:6-9 We declare Psalm 91 over our nation and apply the Blood of Jesus from West to East and North to South.
We pray for the Peace of Jerusalem, “May they prosper who love you. Peace be within your walls, Prosperity within your palaces.” For the sake of our brethren and companions, We will now say, “Peace be within you.” Because of the house of the Lord our God we will seek your good. Psalm 122:6-9 AMEN
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