Thursday, July 16, 2020

Thoughts on Acts 7:56

Thoughts on Acts 7:56
"I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God."
The Word of God tells us that Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God on the Throne of Heaven, yet in Acts 7:56, we are told that He is standing.
Do you have children? Have they ever gone away for a while and you expect them to return home at a certain time? If you do, or if you have ever awaited the arrival of any loved one, then you understand why Jesus was standing.
If you read the entirety of Chapter 7, you know that Stephen has just expounded upon the Lordship of our Savior Jesus Christ, and his listeners have become incensed. Their rage became murderous and they dragged Stephen to the outskirts of the city where he was stoned.
As he was being brutalized, Stephen had a vision of Christ standing at the right hand of God.
Just as you stand to look out the window, to step onto the porch to check to see if your loved one is in sight so you could go to him to welcome him home, so Jesus was standing so He could go to Stephen and embrace Him and welcome him home.
You have a Savior who loves you. Shouldn't you give your heart to Him? Shouldn't you invite Him to be the Lord of your life?
If you do, when your moment of departure from this world arrives, He will arise to embrace you and welcome you to your eternal home.

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