Thursday, September 17, 2020

Thoughts on the White House Press Corps

 Thoughts on the White House Press Corps by Beth Lynn

Are any of you out there still holding out hope that the mainstream media is ethical and unbiased? After watching the latest POTUS briefing, I vote that the White House Press Corp all be sent home. Don’t pass Go. Don’t collect two hundred dollars.
Hold a town hall forum where “the people” ask the questions.
Send Mrs. Smith’s 3rd grade science class. Children would ask better questions than the press corp did this morning.
Not one question about the Middle East (you know that bit of desert dirt our young folks have been shipping off to fight in for the last 35 flippin years?)
Not one “hurray!” for unprecedented peace deals?
What about the rise in attacks on police and hate crimes against conservatives- not one question?
Hmmm- it makes a person wonder if the “press” has forgotten their proper function. It certainly makes me wonder about the quality of their journalistic intellect and curiosity.
I hope these hard-hitting “investigators” are being paid to be a propaganda mill because the alternative would be that they are just inept at their life’s work.

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