Friday, October 2, 2020

From Atheism to Faith

 From Atheism to Faith by William Keller

If you are an atheist and deny the very existence of God, you will have no choice but at acknowledge God is real and performed a miracle if current President Donald Trump is re-elected!!!
Here are10 reasons why!!!
1) For the last 4 years 90% of the media overall has aired blatant lies, hoaxes, and 24/7 negative coverage of President Trump.
2) Since election day 2016, the social media giants and big tech companies have used their incredible powers over what people know and are led to believe to insure President Trump is NOT re-elected.
3) Wall Street is 100% behind Joe Biden because of Trump’s hardline stand against China.
4) As a politically divided nation, you have the Democratic Part made up of approximately ½ of the country against the current President.
5) The “never-Trumpers,” career Republican consultants, election professionals, and those who served in previous Republican Administrations, are out to destroy the President since he won the Presidency and has accomplished all he has the past 3 ½ years WITHOUT their help.
6) China, Russia, and a majority of other countries who have fallen into the Globalist framework despise the President’s “America First” policies.
7) Virtually all of Hollywood and the entertainment industry who embraced wealthy Citizen Trump, turned on him the moment he became the Republican nominee due to his conservative policies.
8) Most professional athletes are used by the liberal political operatives.
9) The violence and harassment of those who support President Trump.
10) The “deep state,” which is the 97% of the unelected career bureaucrats who make up the Federal Government workforce, led by a lofty former elected official, are against him.
My friend, these are the powerful forces aligned to insure President Trump is not re-elected. Again, if you are an atheist, you must acknowledge that the ONLY way Donald Trump gets re-elected is by the hand of Almighty God moving on the hearts of those who will vote for him and protect him from whatever evil schemes are being initiated to steal the election if need be!!!

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