Saturday, October 3, 2020

Pray for President Trump

 The left has revealed an animus against Donald Trump since he announced his candidacy as a conservative. Yes, this is the same left that enjoyed parties at his palatial homes, that interacted with him socially, that benefitted from his largess -- but now disdains him with a vehement hatred because of his political views.

Yes, their apple cart was upset when Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election. Yes, they thought the tumbling of the American experiment was well on its way to ending in this nation as it was established and becoming another pillar in the socialist temple being constructed worldwide. Yes, Trump's election delayed their plans.
What they do not seem to recognize is that it is President Trump who is standing between them and the "one world government" predicted in the BIBLE.
This may sound like the ranting of a religious kook, but anyone who is even moderately politically astute as well as being somewhat familiar with the Scriptures can recognize the parallel between the events in the news and the prophecies in the Holy Writ.
And beyond the leftist vitriol that is constantly unleashed at President Trump, there is the unparalleled hatred that is being hurled at him since the announcement of his coronavirus diagnosis.
Such disdain was not leveled at Barack Obama, the liberal darling, when he refused to send military help to America's besieged Ambassador at Bengasi. Such loathing was not hurled at him when his administration was caught gun running at the border. BO was not vilified for expediting the drugs crossing the border to destroy the lives of America's youth!
It seems the preponderance of our citizens want to see this country fail. They have drunk the cool aid. They think they will be better off when the nation has become another failed socialist hell hole.
Yet those who believe in the power of prayer, those who have fallen on their knees before the LIVING and ETERNAL GOD to implore HIM to save this land that was placed at HIS feet at its inception by our founding fathers, are praising the HOLY ONE for HIS mercy in sending a man like President Trump to stay the horrific tide that is washing onto our shores!
They are praying daily before the Throne of Mercy and Grace that the LORD will hear from Heaven as HE has promised to do in II Chronicles 7:14 -- "If MY people, who are called by MY name, will humble themselves and pray and seek MY face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land."
They are praying for a Third Great Awakening that will bring a wondrous revival to this GOD-blessed land, and they are praying for a Trump LANDSLIDE on November 3 -- yes, a LANDSLIDE!!!!!
And they are praying for the speedy and complete recovery of the man who loves this nation more than he loves fame or wealth or power or the friendship of the world.
LORD JESUS, YOU are still in the healing business. We who believe that President Trump is YOUR man for this treacherous hour in our nation ask YOU to reach YOUR healing hand to touch him and to speedily deliver him from the disease that has attacked him.
We ask YOU, in YOUR mercy and power to also touch and deliver the First Lady and everyone associated with the Trump White House that has been afflicted with the coronavirus. We ask for speedy and complete restoration of health to all of them. It is in YOUR mighty, matchless name we pray, JESUS. Amen.

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