Monday, October 19, 2020

The Power of Prayer

 The Power of Prayer

"The same power that raised JESUS from the dead lives in you." Romans 8:11
GOD'S holy word, the BIBLE, admonishes believers to pray. In fact, the WORD that cannot fail and cannot lie tells us to "pray without ceasing.
We are further told that when we join together in prayer "as regarding anything, there am I in the midst and it shall be done." Our LORD and SAVIOR assures those who follow after HIM that when they are in agreement in prayer, HE HIMSELF joins them in carrying the need to the Throne of Mercy and Grace.
As a mere mortal, I find the significance of the power invested in me and the wonder of the ONE who joins HIMSELF to my prayer cause to be amazing beyond words.
I further marvel at the fact that we who call ourselves CHRISTIANS do not avail ourselves more fully of these great and precious promises. I marvel at the fact that we are essentially people who endeavor to achieve our ends through our own means rather than prostrating ourselves before HIM to receive the help HE is so willing to supply.
If people of faith in CHRIST in this modern day are honest with themselves, they will confess their preoccupation with the world's solutions to timeless challenges and acquiesce to the truth that they are as inclined to achieve the ends they desire independently of HIS promise of "help in time of need" as are people who do not claim to bow their knee in supplication before HIM.
Yet, despite our attitude of self-sufficiency, we are sometimes arrested in our striving toward the accomplishing our goals without placing our needs before the LORD; there are times when HIS help becomes too evident to ignore.
A precious daughter of the HOLY ONE who has endured much trial and suffering in recent months was recently afflicted beyond her prior suffering. Prayer was lifted in her behalf and people of much faith bound together in supplication that the LORD OUR HEALER would reach down to deliver her. Her deliverance, though not complete, has begun and notable improvement has been declared by her medical team.
A man who has served the GOD of our fathers faithfully for decades was afflicted with a condition that was not easily diagnosed. Medical help was sought from more than one source before his condition was identified and he was delivered. The blood clots that were a virtual death sentence were discovered and eradicated. This man, and all who love him and pray for him, have come away rejoicing that JESUS, who healed everyone who came to HIM when HE walked the dusty streets of Galilee is "the same yesterday, today, and forever."
Afflicted one! If you are beset by disease or disorder, if you are plagued with financial woe, if you are beset with relational distress, if you are suffering with any of the maladies that plague mankind, take hope! Lift your eyes from your problem to your PROBLEM SOLVER!
Broken arm? JESUS can heal it!
Collapsed lung? JESUS can heal it!
Cancer? JESUS can heal it!
Multiple sclerosis? JESUS can heal it!
Diabetes? JESUS can heal it!
High blood pressure? JESUS can heal it!
Coronavirus? JESUS can heal it!
Whatever your affliction -- whether physical or emotional or financial or spiritual -- take heart from the miracles JESUS has already done in answer to prayer! Take heart from the promise in HIS HOLY WORD that declares, "the same power that raised JESUS from the dead lives in you!" Take heart from HIS assurance that "the joy of the LORD is your strength."
Take heart from the fact that HE IS NO RESPECTER OF PERSONS!
What HE did for the blind, the deaf, the lame, the diseased when HE took HIS sojourn upon the earth in long-ago Palestine, HE is still doing among your neighbors today!
Take heart from the fact that THE WINDS AND WAVES OF LIFE STILL OBEY HIM!
Take heart from the fact that the SAVIOR who conquered death, hell, and the grave is listening when you pray. Take heart from the fact that because of JESUS, you are "more than a conqueror."
Take heart -- and pray!

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