Friday, October 2, 2020

Vote Your Values! Vote the BIBLE!

Vote Your Values!

Vote the BIBLE!
Democrats are openly fighting for:
Disarming, dismantling, and defunding law enforcement
Tearing down the existing border wall
Destroying our history by taking down monuments and statues of our forefathers
Turning a blind eye to rioting and looting that have overtaken our cities for partisan purposes
The Republicans are:
STANDING FOR LIFE! Unwanted babies should be given over for adoption rather than being torn apart in their mothers' wombs. Childless couples are crying for the opportunity to adopt unwanted children but there are too few to satisfy the need and the high cost is prohibitive for most childless couples.
STANDING FOR PROSPERITY! Under President Trump, many formerly unemployed people have found viable jobs and people who have long been neglected on the lowest rungs of the economic ladder have been elevated to acceptable employment.
STANDING FOR EQUALITY AMONG THE RACES! Donald Trump has gone far beyond former presidents in elevating downtrodden races to positions of esteem and achievement.
STANDING FOR IMPROVED ECONOMY! Under President Trump, the trade deals that were oppressive to the American worker were not signed or were made fair to our workers before signing.
STANDING FOR THE HEALTH AND WELL-BEING OF OUR CITIZENS! When democrats accused President Trump of being a racist for closing our borders to the Chinese, when Nancy Pelosi strolled through Chinatown to evidence her support of the Chinese over the president's decision, Donald Trump stuck to his position -- and his position saved MANY hundreds of thousands of American lives!
President Trump is still fighting for the health of our citizenry by encouraging researchers and drug manufacturers to expedite the production of a coronavirus vaccine.
STANDING FOR THE GREATNESS OF AMERICA! There is a reason why people from all over the world want to come to this country. There is a reason why people have forsaken their nations of origin to come to this nation legally and go through the citizenship process. It's because The United States of America affords freedom and affords opportunities to every citizen that are available to only the elite of other nations!
While teaching abroad, I encountered a mother from a third world country to admonished me to do whatever was necessary to her fifth grade son to get him to the top of his class and to keep him there because when the family returned to their home country, her child would be denied an education unless he was in the 98th percentile of his peers academically.
STANDING FOR TRUTH! Many of our textbooks have denigrated America and its role in history, denying American exceptionalism and American integrity and honor. All parents should be behind the telling of the story of this amazing land with integrity and with pride. All parents should insist that the textbooks purchased by the school districts their children attend tell the true American story.

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