Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Amnesty for Illegals

 House Democrats Seek to Include Amnesty for Illegal Aliens in Coronavirus Relief Package - Brietbart

The group of House Democrats, led by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, want to include an amnesty for at least five million illegal aliens who consider themselves “essential workers” and who are recipients of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) programs. The letter states:
As you continue to work on assembling a COVID-19 reconciliation package and begin work on an economic recovery and jobs package, we urge you to include a pathway to citizenship for essential immigrant workers, Dreamers, and TPS holders, as well as their families, in order to ensure a robust recovery that is inclusive and equitable for all Americans regardless of their immigration status.
The amnesty would pack the United States labor market with millions of newly legalized illegal aliens who would be allowed to legally compete for jobs against 18 million unemployed Americans and another 6.2 million Americans who are underemployed.
This is yet another evidence of Joe Biden's disdain for American citizens. Shutting down high-paying jobs for American workers while reducing the job market for unskilled workers by inviting more under-qualified workers into the country are not in the interest of tax-paying citizens.

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