Thursday, December 9, 2021

COVID Deaths Soar

COVID Deaths Soar by Bill Wilson

A milestone of the Biden presidency has been established, and it’s not a good one. COVID related deaths under the Biden Administration’s first 10 months have surpassed those of former President Trump’s last 12 months when inoculations against the contagion were unavailable. According to statistics kept by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University, some 396,529 people in the US have died from COVID under Joe Biden, before he has even reached his 11th month in office, eclipsing the entire US COVID death toll of 396,442 recorded in one year under Trump. Biden campaigned against Trump saying that anyone responsible for that many deaths should not remain President.

Armed with a “vaccine,” CDC- and MSC- mandated treatment protocols, FDA backing, unconstitutional mandates, and the bully pulpit hand-feeding a biased news media bent on censoring and demonizing dissent as “misinformation,” the Biden Administration has failed to defeat or even curb this contagion. What is it they say about the definition of insanity—doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results? That’s what is happening right now. Instead of ridiculing effective treatments and blaming the unvaccinated for not going along with unconstitutional government mandates, the Biden Administration should be marshalling the strength of all medical modalities to develop a safe and effective cure for COVID.

The CARES Act of March 2020 incentivized hospitals to vaccinate, test, diagnose, admit, use add-on treatments such as remdesivir and ventilators, and report COVID 19-related deaths. Total payments are estimated between $80,000 to $100,000 per patient. By law, these “incentives” must be paid back if not “earned” by making the COVID-19 diagnosis and following the COVID-19 protocol. Additionally, the use of remdesivir was discontinued in the 2018 Ebola crisis because the mortality rate exceeded 50%. A National Library of Medicine January 2021 report of 69 studies involving over 57,000 patients concluded that fatality rates were 45% among COVID 19 patients receiving ventilator treatment. The fatality rate increased to 84% in older patients. Then came the ever-changing “vaccine” narrative.
First, the vaccine would prevent COVID and all things would return to normal. Then the narrative was that the vaccine is effective against severity of symptoms and death. A few weeks later, the vaccinated were protected against severe symptoms and death, but could still contract the disease. Then the vaccinated could actually transmit the disease. Then people needed a booster after 4-6 months because efficacy waned. Now another booster is needed for the new Omicron variant. Obviously, this serum has not performed as anticipated, but that doesn’t deter the government, big medicine, big pharma, or big media. Now the FDA wants 75 years protection on releasing Pfiizer vaccine data. 

Ephesians 5:6 says, “Let no man deceive you with vain words.” 

Deaths indicate that the Biden plan isn’t working. But you better comply and think it is.

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