Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Dr. Carson on Treating COVID


"The fact of the matter is, the mortality rate for children from COVID-19 is 0.025, which is very similar to the rate for seasonal flu, and we haven't been for years and years going through all these things for seasonal flu. 

Plus, we don't know what the long-term impact of these vaccines is, so this is really sort of a giant experiment. Do we want our children to be guinny pigs; do we want to put our children at risk, when we know that the risk of the disease to them is relatively small, but we don't know what the future risks are? 

Why would we do a thing like [that]? It makes no sense whatsoever." -Dr. Ben Carson on kids getting the Pfizer vax


Despite the lack of so-called "gold standard" double-blind studies, we now effectively know that early (off-label) use of the anti-parasite/anti-malarial drugs hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin can have a significant effect on reducing COVID mortality—especially when used in conjunction with other substances like azithromycin, zinc, and Vitamin D. (Always consult your physician for medical advice ...) 

The medical establishment and the panic merchants in government, the media ... refuse to acknowledge the remedies at hand and instead push universal vaccination...

Running a double-blind study requires much  money—the kind of money that only a new, patented drug–maker could afford, in hopes of selling a high-priced remedy to millions of consumers. Repurposing off-patent drugs like HCQ and IVM does not yield the kind of profits that would be necessary to pay back the cost of double-blind studies—so they don't exist.

Dr. Ben Carson appeared on Maria Bartiromo's Fox News show Sunday Morning Futures on December 5, and ... spoke wisdom about the COVID pandemic and panic... 

Among the many points he made ... is the need to research why the tropical countries in Africa where HCQ and IVM are widely used have such minor death tolls from COVID.

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